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IFSS is hosting a special presentation on “When Your Partner or Spouse is living with a Mental Illness”. This workshop is designed for individuals who have a significant other, spouse, or intimate partner who is living with a mental health condition.
When your partner, significant other, or spouse is living with a mental health diagnosis, life can feel unsettling, chaotic, and unmanageable. You are not alone. Please join us for discussion and support, helpful tips and insights, as we explore the following topics.
Topics will include:
When: Thursday, February 23rd 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 817 9705 8094
Passcode: 369060
We hope you’ll join us.
RSVPs via reply to this email are encouraged!
For questions and/or to RSVP, contact Renee or Carrie at:
IFSS Sussex