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Category: COVID-19

  • COVID-19

    2020’s Holiday Season: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

    By Katie Newman, Writer and Research Assistant at MHAEM (Sophomore, University of Washington).   We’ve made it nearly a full rotation around the sun since the dreaded COVID-19 virus reared its ugly head in the United States. We have dealt with many disappointments; the stay-at-home order, canceling summer plans, finishing the 2019 school...

  • COVID-19

    COVID-19 and Its Impact On Small Businesses

    This is the second part of the multi-part (I haven’t quite decided how many parts yet) series I will be writing about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different groups of people. The first article I wrote was about stay-at-home parents, and I originally expected this article to be similar to the first. However, I was greatly surprised. These...

  • COVID-19

    COVID-19 Changed What Being a Stay-at-Home Parent Really Means

    One would be hard-pressed to find someone whose life has not been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The people who, generally, have it the easiest have had to work from home, cancel vacations, and find new ways to beat boredom. The ones on the other side of the spectrum have lost loved ones, jobs, and financial or housing stability. I decided that...

  • COVID-19

    Revisiting COVID-19’s Effects on a College Student’s Mental Health

    Up until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t thought much about the blog post that I’d written for MHAEM at the end of March. When I reread it, I saw that I’d addressed some things that had truly proven to be legitimate concerns. I didn’t have my favorite cafe to study in when I needed a break from the oppressive silences of the library study rooms....

  • COVID-19

    Reflections From A College Student Impacted By The Pandemic

    As many of us have so eloquently put it to our friends, families, neighbors, and significant others, “This is freaking crazy.” And we’re right. None of us has ever lived through a pandemic before. Up until about two weeks ago and since August, I lived in Washington State where the first coronavirus case in the U.S. showed up in January, in...