We’re here to listen, talk and help.


Call an MHA Location Today

Essex: 973-509-9777
Morris: 973-334-3496
Passaic: 973-470-3142
Sussex: 973-579-4399



Event Series IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group

IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group


This group meets every week, and is for family members (parents, spouse, siblings, adult offspring) of people with mental illness, to gain support and perspective about mental illness in the family, in a facilitated, confidential discussion group.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84016850923 Meeting ID: 840 1685 0923 One tap mobile +19292056099,,84016850923# US (New York)

Event Series IFSS Essex Family Support Group

IFSS Essex Family Support Group


Virtual IFSS Essex Family Support Group (aka Millburn Library Support Group) This year-round group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening of the month and is designed for family members (parents, spouse, siblings, adult offspring) of people with mental illness, to gain support and perspective about mental illness in the family, in a facilitated, confidential […]

Event Series Thursdays


MHA 33 S Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ, United States

THURSDAYS is an in person, drop-in, social group for people ages 18 and up, as a way for adults living with mental illness to socialize and form meaningful relationships. Attendees meet in person at 33 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. Facilitated by licensed professionals. Masks are required for indoor programming, regardless of vaccination status.    

Event Series Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Every Friday at noon, MHA welcomes people in the community to spend time online with their peers discussing the mental health issues that concern them. Led by a clinical social worker, people gather in a Zoom room for an hour-and-a-half of mutual support. MHA provides this service for free. There is no commitment beyond signing […]

Event Series IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group

IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group


This group meets every week, and is for family members (parents, spouse, siblings, adult offspring) of people with mental illness, to gain support and perspective about mental illness in the family, in a facilitated, confidential discussion group.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84016850923 Meeting ID: 840 1685 0923 One tap mobile +19292056099,,84016850923# US (New York)

Event Series Thursdays


MHA 33 S Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ, United States

THURSDAYS is an in person, drop-in, social group for people ages 18 and up, as a way for adults living with mental illness to socialize and form meaningful relationships. Attendees meet in person at 33 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. Facilitated by licensed professionals. Masks are required for indoor programming, regardless of vaccination status.    

Event Series Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Every Friday at noon, MHA welcomes people in the community to spend time online with their peers discussing the mental health issues that concern them. Led by a clinical social worker, people gather in a Zoom room for an hour-and-a-half of mutual support. MHA provides this service for free. There is no commitment beyond signing […]

Event Series IFSS Sussex Morning Family Support Group

IFSS Sussex Morning Family Support Group

MHA Wellness Hub 83 Spring St, Suite 303, First Floor, Newton, NJ, United States

This group meets every 1st and 3rd Monday at 11am, and is for family members (parents, spouse, siblings, adult offspring) of people with mental illness, to gain support and perspective about mental illness in the family, in a facilitated, confidential discussion group.   Psychiatric Emergency Services of Atlantic Behavioral Health. The program will be a […]

Event Series IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group

IFSS Sussex Evening Family Support Group


This group meets every week, and is for family members (parents, spouse, siblings, adult offspring) of people with mental illness, to gain support and perspective about mental illness in the family, in a facilitated, confidential discussion group.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84016850923 Meeting ID: 840 1685 0923 One tap mobile +19292056099,,84016850923# US (New York)

Event Series IFSS Essex Family Support Group

Family Support Group – Wednesday Evening


Family Support Group: A professionally facilitated group where families are able to come together in a non-judgmental and confidential environment for mutual support. Goals of the group: improving coping skills, relieving stress, and reducing isolation that often accompanies caring for a loved one with mental illness. To register contact Renee Folzenlogen at rfolzenlogen@mhainspire.org New Families […]

Event Series Thursdays


MHA 33 S Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ, United States

THURSDAYS is an in person, drop-in, social group for people ages 18 and up, as a way for adults living with mental illness to socialize and form meaningful relationships. Attendees meet in person at 33 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. Facilitated by licensed professionals. Masks are required for indoor programming, regardless of vaccination status.    

Event Series Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

Every Friday at noon, MHA welcomes people in the community to spend time online with their peers discussing the mental health issues that concern them. Led by a clinical social […]