Community Rides – CAP
Community Rides, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED!! To register for an activity or for more information, please contact: Yecenia Revolorio […]
Call an MHA Location Today
Essex: 973-509-9777
Morris: 973-334-3496
Passaic: 973-470-3142
Sussex: 973-579-4399
Community Rides, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED!! To register for an activity or for more information, please contact: Yecenia Revolorio […]
January 2024 Thursday 1/2 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM “Thursday’s” GAME NIGHT ~ ESSEX OFFICE BOONTON/ LK HIAWATHA GROUP Saturday 1/4 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Rockaway Mall Tuesday 1/7 […]
Edna’s Haven is a resource center that provides information and referrals, resources and linkages, case management, financial assistance, a charging station and computer access, coffee and snacks and more to those experiencing homelessness. Peer-Recovery Counseling, health screenings, veteran’s services and job fairs are also available at times throughout the year as well as soup kitchen […]
Community Rides, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED!! To register for an activity or for more information, please contact: Yecenia Revolorio […]
Edna’s Haven is a resource center that provides information and referrals, resources and linkages, case management, financial assistance, a charging station and computer access, coffee and snacks and more to those experiencing homelessness. Peer-Recovery Counseling, health screenings, veteran’s services and job fairs are also available at times throughout the year as well as soup kitchen […]
Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED!! To register for an activity or for more information, please contact: Yecenia Revolorio – 973-334-3496 ext. 514 Weekdays 9:00 AM to 5:00 […]
Edna’s Haven is a resource center that provides information and referrals, resources and linkages, case management, financial assistance, a charging station and computer access, coffee and snacks and more to those experiencing homelessness. Peer-Recovery Counseling, health screenings, veteran’s services and job fairs are also available at times throughout the year as well as soup kitchen […]
FREE Virtual Book Club for Students in Grades 6-8 in Morris & Sussex Counties DATES: 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 Thursdays 4:30pm - 5:30pm Questions? Contact Zoom link will be sent the week of the group.
Join the NJ4S team as we dive into different anime topics and develop new friendships along the way. We will unite, imagine, and inspire a new take on anime!
THURSDAYS is an in person, drop-in, social group for people ages 18 and up, as a way for adults living with mental illness to socialize and form meaningful relationships. Attendees meet in person at 33 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. Facilitated by licensed professionals. Masks are required for indoor programming, regardless of vaccination status.
Movie Day, from 1 PM to 3 PM. Light refreshments will be served. SPACE IS LIMITED!! To register for an activity or for more information, please contact: Yecenia Revolorio […]
Edna’s Haven is a resource center that provides information and referrals, resources and linkages, case management, financial assistance, a charging station and computer access, coffee and snacks and more to those experiencing homelessness. Peer-Recovery Counseling, health screenings, veteran’s services and job fairs are also available at times throughout the year as well as soup kitchen […]